Loving With Grace

So most days I do my best blogging after dinner. I guess it is just my process. I like to think throughout the day and look for things to inspire me and watch for God to show me moments to focus on. Today, it wasn’t that I wasn’t looking for those moments, but I’m going to be honest when I say, I didn’t come up with any life altering concepts to blog about. So I am going to focus my thoughts on grace. Something I am terrible at giving myself, and not always great at giving it to others. It is something I have always need to work on. It is still a work in progress!

Today I started with healthy food choices. Both lunch and dinner! But I ended with an evening of fast food for dinner, the remains of a chocolate caramel candy bar, a glass of wine (okay 2) and some chips. I am not going to allow my dinner and after dinner choices to send me into feelings of defeat and self loathing. Yes, I indulged, yes I felt guilty, yes tomorrow I will regret it (or at least my stomach will.) Instead of feeling like a complete and total failure, and giving up, I am going to give myself some grace today. It was a busy afternoon. Not everyone was home for dinner. I took the easy way out! I ate my Chick fil a and loved every single bite. And I know, there are healthy choices I could have gotten instead, but I just cannot resist that chicken sandwich, or the fries. Plus, it’s referred to as the Lords chicken, and I am just partaking in a moment of holiness. HA! All joking aside, I have chosen to remember in my weak moments, not continue down a path of destructive thoughts. It is okay to have moments of weakness. It is okay to fail. One bad choice does not have to define a whole day or series of bad decisions. Acknowledge the bad decisions, think about how it made you feel, decide to chose better next time, and move forward.

Tomorrow is a new day. The veggie filled omelet will be my breakfast and I will make a sensible lunch and dinner choice as well. I had a moment of weakness and succumbed to it, but His mercies are new every morning. Thank goodness!! I have not made any mistakes for tomorrow yet!

Did you have a moment of weakness today. Did you lose your temper with a child, or a spouse or coworker? Did you make bad food choices today too? Did you fail in some way? It is okay!!! We all have stumbling blocks in our lives. I like to tell my kids those stumbling blocks or tough moments in life are like pigs rolling in the mud and muck. They can be all covered in that filth, but God washes us clean, it is our choice to jump back in that mud and muck, or next time try and jump over it! Don’t wallow, get up and get out of it! Even if it is nice and cool and feels good for a bit, no one wants to stay covered in that mess. We have choices!! We always need to get back up, clean ourselves off. Get back on track. Give some love. And mostly, give some grace! To others, but also to yourself. God gives it to us continuously, without us even asking.

Ephesians 4:7 “In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins in accordance to the riches of God’s grace.”

By Laurel Austin Henson

Laurel spent 8 months caring for her first husband after being diagnosed with cancer in 2010. He passed away at 33, leaving behind a daughter of 7 and 5 year old twin boys. After sowing millions of tears, Laurel sought out God daily and began to plan for a life of being a single mother, but ready to raise their children in faith, hope and love. God gave her more than she could have ever imagined when she brought Matt into her life, along with his 2 children. He was recently divorced and the providence of God had been leading up to this life for more than 20 years! Now Laurel is reaping joy with Matt and their 5 beautiful children. Thanks be to God for all the beauty created from the ashes of death and divorce.

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